Note: This theme is no longer for sale. Use my new Divi Child Theme instead! Thank you!
Current versions
- Theme version: 2.4 (Nov. 27, 2013)
- FontAwesome version: 4.0.3
- Twitter Bootstrap: 2.3.1
- Bootstrap Responsive: 2.3.1
Version history
2.4 (Nov. 27, 2013) – Last version
- New: Social media icons
- Updated the theme so that it will work with WP 3.8 (tested with 3.8 beta 1)
- Updated Font Awesome to version 4.0.3
- Removed IE8 compatibility for FontAwesome (it just no longer supports it)
- Removed the usage of FontAwesome CDN as the theme is using the old naming convention
- Updated LessPHP
- Fixed the problem that there were no error message when LessPHP returned one
2.3.1 (Sept. 26, 2013)
- Fixed the YouTube shortcode
- Fixed the problem that the comment functionality was set back when saving theme options
- Fixed an issue where the rating still appears even when it was set to OFF
- Fixed an issue where the a box shortcode will be transformed to a alert shortcode when both are used on the same page or post
2.3 (Aug. 29, 2013)
- New: Now allow to disable the CDN functionality of the Twitter-Bootstrap CDN files (which normally come from
2.2 (Aug. 28, 2013)
- New: YouTube shortcode
- New: bbpress forums support
- Fix: on/off button on the backend (Google Publishership options) did not work correctly
- Fix: “Back to top” button is now hidden on Smartphones (because there are already built-in features to do that)
- Fix: No longer highlight comment-replies that are displayed after a authors comment
- Fix: Comment box was too big when displaying with smartphones
- Fix: No longer fix the social media buttons to top on smartphones as they need to much space
2.1.2 (Aug. 21, 2013)
- Fixed a PHP error which came up on activation when creating child themes
- Updated PrettyPhoto to version 3.1.5
- Fixed a problem that it was possible to activate the Revolution Slider when it was already active on the blog
- Updated Revolution Slider to version 3.0.95
2.1.1 (July 10, 2013)
- Fix: Homepage-Settings did not show up completely after a fresh installation
- Fix: The standard fonts could not be selected correctly on the colorization settings page
- Fix: Standard fonts did not get recognized in style.css
- Fix: Fixes a problem where the revolution slider couldn’t be shown on the homepage
- Fix: Save-button did not appear on the settings page tabs
2.1 (June 25, 2013)
- New: More social icons now available
- New: Social icons added: Github, Pinterest, Youtube XING, Dribbble, Tumblr, Bitbucket, Renren, Instagram, Skype, Weibo, Stackexchange
- Update of FontAwesome to version 3.2.1
- Updated the Twitter Widget (Twitter removed the old API)
2.0 (June 11, 2013)
- New: Completely rewritten settings page
- New: Added Google+ Authorship to the header (not visible to the public)
- New: Google+ Authorship for Category, Search, Tag and Archive Pages
- New: Pin-it button
- New: Allowing Social Media icons in the footer
- SEO: Tagged the (overall) title of the website with a div instead of an h1. Because there should be only one h1 tag on a page
- Updated Sidebar Generator to v2.0
- Updated Revolution Slider to version 2.3.91
- Updated Shortcode Generator
- Fixed the quotes-problem when a mail gets send through the contact page template
- Performance optimizing changes on backend. Now need less memory to run on your WordPress installation.
1.7.5 (May 21, 2013)
- New: Allowing numbering on accordion-items
- New: “Hide title”-Option now available on all page templates
- New: Separate LESS/CSS on posts, pages and custom post types
- Solved a problem where a not-logged-in user were not able to comment on a page when WooCommerce and the star rating plugin are activated
1.7.4 (May 13, 2013)
- Updated Font Awesome to version 3.1.1
- Solves an issue where the comment form was not showing up if there were no comments on a page
1.7.3 (May 13, 2013)
- New: Add your header image globally or on certain posts, pages or custom post types
- Some language translations
1.7.2 (May 9, 2013)
- New: Possibility to place the menu after the header (right beside the breadcrumbs)
- Fixes the issue that the social media buttons did not exactly dock to the top
- Fixes an issue where the left sidebar disappeared on tablet computers (when turning from landscape-mode)
- Some languages translations added
- Improved compatibility with PHP versions >= 5.2.17 (but this is still no guarantee that it fully works with PHP versions < 5.3)
1.7.1 (May 6. 2013)
- New: Meta-tag for thumbnails set in the header (not visible to the end-user)
- New: now counts the number of Google+ likes (this didn’t work till now because it was not supported by Google)
- hgroup HTML element has been removed because it’s no longer valid on the HTML5 specification
- Social Media affix is now positioned properly
- Some design adoptions (please save your settings from the settings page to update the CSS)
- Google Sitesearch links will now open in the self window (not in a new one)
- Google Sitesearch functionality now supports the back button in the browser (history functionality)
- Microdata on breadcrumbs are now tagged correctly
1.7 (Apr. 08 2013)
- New: Added WooCommerce support
- Added placeholder support for IE browsers
- Better support with custom post types
- Fixed a problem with the affix-menu @ the top
- Some other bugfixes
1.6.2 (Apr. 04 2013)
- The subpages widget is back again
1.6.1 (Apr. 02 2013)
- Update to the latest WP-Buddy Plugin Framework (compatibility with other WP-Buddy products)
1.6 (Mar. 28 2013)
- Some German language translations
- Updated Revolution Slider to Version 2.3
- New: Possibility to add Social Media Icons in the footer area
- New: Possibility to affix the main navigation to the top while scrolling the page
- New Widget: Social Icons
- New: “Go to top button”
1.5 (Mar. 26. 2013)
- New: Activate/deactivate responsiveness on certain pages
- New: Create landingpage (for this I’ve added a new page template)
- New: Added a new shortcode: cite
- New: Shortcode “highlighted_posts”
- Improved compatibility with other WP-Buddy products
1.4.1 (Mar. 12. 2013)
- Updated Twitter Bootstrap to version 2.3.1
- Updated LessPHP to Version 0.3.9
- New: Contact Page templates automatically get tagged with Contact Page markup
- Some bugfixes
1.4 (Mar. 08. 2013)
- New: Blank Page Template (create your own landing pages for example)
- New: Added “class” attribute for column shortcodes
- New: Added “column in column” functionality (shortcodes)
- New: Added new shortcode “speakerdeck” to add slides
- New: Added possibility to break long titles in breadcrumb titles (makes it more beautiful :-))
- New: Added a LESS variable changer (So you can change every LESS variable in the CSS files! Awesome!)
- New: Highlighted pages on the frontpage can now be sorted with the WordPress’ built-in page sorting function
- New: Added Google Publishership functionality
- Some smaller bugfixes and translation changes
- Updated FontAwesome to version 3.0.2
1.3.5 (Mar. 06. 2013)
- Solved a problem with the autoloading classes by using an older version of PHP
1.3.4 (Mar. 05. 2013)
- New: Added the functionality to disable the search field in the header
- Solved the problem that the layout jumps to the right side after the first saving in the backend
- Solved the problem that some coding textareas overlay the backend “saving window” (it just doesn’t look good)
- Custom fonts are now working properly
- Removed the functionality of the style-child.less because the same function is already included in the backend settings
- Due to performance reasons, the RevolutionSlider is now deactivated on theme activation. You can re-activate it in the plugin section of the theme settings.
- Solved a problem that the Revolution Slider slides do not show up on the theme’s settings page.
- Some other bugfixes
1.3.3 (Feb. 25. 2013)
- Improved compatibility with PHP 5.2
- Solved a problem with the Google Fontlist
- New: Custom title colour; custom subtitle colour, custom headline colours
1.3.2 (Feb. 15. 2013)
- Improved compatibility with other WP-Buddy Plugins
- Performance: removed the ? after CSS and JS inclusion so that it can be cached by the users browser cache and webservers as well
- Solved the problem that the theme backend triggers a PHP error
- Updated the CSS files so that the website looks good after the first activation
- Removed some files that are not needed any longer
1.3.1 (Feb. 15. 2013)
- class file names are now lower-cased to avoid problems on some UNIX systems
1.3 (Feb. 14. 2013)
- Error solved: Contact pages did not display error messages correctly.
- Performance: Replaced the reCaptcha PHP library with an WordPress function.
- Performance: Added the possibility to deactivate the plugins you don’t need. Also set up PHP autoloading.
- Removed some folders that are not needed any longer
- Added a readme.txt into the themes folder
1.2 (Feb. 12. 2013)
- New: Added the feature to add shortcodes via a button in the editor
- New: Added FontAwesome to CDN so that it gets loaded quicker on your own website (thanks to
- Fixed the problem that the social media buttons do not appear correctly on some pages
1.1.2 (Feb. 5. 2013)
- Fixed a problem with the social media buttons on the homepage
- Fixed a problem that the RevolutionSlider installs not correctly
- ‘Stripslashed’ the input-fields in the backend so that quotes can be used in the right way
- Edited the options so that the frontpage already looks good after the first installation
- Deactivated the headerbar as standard. This can be reactivated in the backend.
- Moved the save-path of the custom CSS files to wp-content/css/ so that they will be there even after a theme update.
- Renamed screenshot.jpg to screenshot.png.
1.1.1 (Feb. 4. 2013)
- Some bugfixes
1.1 (Feb. 2. 2013)
- New: Added Revolution Slider
- Fixed a problem that thumbnails could not be deactivated on posts and pages
- Fixed some other small bugs (like an error in the columns shortcodes, etc.)
1.0 (Jan. 24. 2013)
- This was the first version of the theme.
What this theme can do for you
The Schema Corporate WordPress theme is a very special WordPress theme. It fully supports structured microdata that webmasters can use to markup their pages in ways recognised by major search providers. According to the website search engines including Bing, Google, Yahoo! and Yandex rely on this markup to improve the display of search results, making it easier for people to find the right web pages.
Here are some examples:
![Rich Snippet Examples](/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/rich-snippets-demo.jpg)
Quick Start & Installation
- Upload the schema-corporate folder to the /wp-content/themes/ directory.
- Activate the Schema Corporate WordPress theme through the „Appearance“ menu inWordPress.
- Configure the theme by going to the „Theme Options“ menu that appears in the„Appearance“ settings menu.
Please go to this page: Schema Corporate WordPress Theme FAQ Page