Available Shortcodes

These shortcodes are available in the Schema.org WordPress Theme. If you’re looking for other shortcodes, please read this:



Full example:

[button href="http://wp-buddy-web.local" type="green" target="_blank"
float="" size="" ?block="false" disabled="" ?icon="download"]?PDF Download?[/button]


  • href: an URL.
    Default: ‘#’
  • type: The actual color.
    Can be: primary | warning | danger |success |info | inverse
    Default: ”
  • target: where to open the linked document. Please see the HTML a target Attribute.
    Default: ‘_blank’
  • float: The floating of the button.
    Can be: left | right | none
    Default: ”
  • size: The size of the button.
    Can be: large | small | mini
    Default: ”
  • block: Whether to strech to full width
    Can be: true | false
    Default: false.
  • disabled: Whether to make it clickable.
    Can be: true | false
    Default: false
  • dropdown: Whether do build a dropdown out of the button
    Can be: true | false
    Default: false
  • modal:
    Can be:
    Default: ”
  • icon: The icon to include
    Can be: Please refer to the available icons included in the themes.
    Default: ”


Full example:

[button_group vertical="false" dropup="false"]
[button href="#"]Button 1[/button]
[button href="#"]Button 2[/button]
[button href="#"]Button 3[/button]


  • vertical: Whether to display the button vertically
    Can be: true | false
    Default: false
  • dropup: Whether to create a dropup menu
    Can be: true | false
    Default: false


Full example:

    [button href="#"]1[/button]
    [button href="#"]2[/button]
    [button href="#"]3[/button]
    [button href="#"]1[/button]
    [button href="#"]2[/button]
    [button href="#"]3[/button]
    [button href="#"]4[/button]
    [button href="#"]5[/button]

Attributes: No attributes till now.


Full example:

[button href="#" type="inverse" icon="info-sign" dropdown="true" size="large"]
My Menu
<li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>


  • element: The HTML-Element to build around the divider class.
    Can be: Any HTML tag
    Default: ‘div’


Full example:

[box type="well" size="large"]Well large[/box]


  • type: Equals the color
    Can be: error | success | info | well
    Default: ”
  • float: The floating of the button.
    Can be: left | right | none
    Default: ”
  • size: The actual size (width) of the box
    Can be: large | small
    Default: ”


Full example:

[alert type="success"]Success[/alert]

Attributes: Please see the box-shortcode


Full example:

[muted element="span"]This is muted[/muted]


  • element: The HTML element to build around the muted item
    Can be: Any HTML tag
    Default: ‘span’


Full example:

[learn_more headline="Another headline instead of 'Learn more'"]
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Attributes: Please see the accordion_item shortcode.


Full example:

[accordion numbering="true"]
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur ...

  [accordion_item headline="Item 2"]
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...


  • numbering: Whether numbering on accordion-items should be turned on/off
    Can be: true | false
    Default: false


Full example: Please see the accordion shortcode for an example


  • headline: The headline to print for the item
    Can be: Any string
    Default: ‘Learn more’ (in your translated language)
  • collapsed: If the item should be collapsed on page load
    Can be: true | false
    Default: false
  • caret: Whether the caret should be added
    Can be: true | false
    Default: false


Full example:

[slider effect="slide" animationspeed="3000" slideshowspeed="5000" ]
    <img alt="Pool" src="nice-pool-hdr.jpg" width="1280" height="853" />
    <img alt="steps" src="steps.jpg" width="1280" height="853" />
      <h4>This is a headline of caption</h4>
      This is just some text


  • effect: The effect to show on slide
    Can be: slide | fadeDefault: ‘slide’
  • animationspeed: The speed of the animation in miliseconds
    Can be: any natural number
    Default: 3000
  • slideshowspeed: The speed of the slideshow itself in miliseconds
    Can be: any natural number
    Default: 5000


Full example: Please see the slider shortcode above

Attributes: No attributes so far


Full example: Please see the slider shortcode above

Attributes: No attributes so far


Full example (1/2 to 1/2):

[column span="6"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet....[/column]
[column span="6"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet....[/column]


  • devision: The divider. (Where 6 means 1/2)
    Can be: 1 to 12
    Default: 6


After some columns or sliders, the layout sometimes will not look good. Create a clear-element after it will correct that behaviour.

Full example:


Attributes: No attributes.


Full example:

[list icon="remove" type="error" style=""]
  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>
  <li>Item 3</li>
  <li>Item 4</li>
  <li>Item 5</li>


  • icon: The icon to show
    Can be: Please refer to the available icons included in the themes.
    Default: ‘ok’
  • type: The actual color.
    Can be: warning | error | info | success
    Default: ”
  • style: Whether icons should be shown
    Can be: true | false
    Default: false


Full example:

[dropcap color="blue" size="400%" height="50px"]L[/dropcap]


  • color: The color of the dropcap
    Can be: A color name or a hex value of a color.
    Default: ‘red’
  • size: The font-size of the dropcap-letter. Standard is 400%
    Can be: A pixel value (like ’50px’) or a percentage (like ‘500%’)
    Default: ‘400%’
  • height: The line-height of the dropcap letter. Standard is 50px
    Can be: Any pixel value (like ’50px’)
    Default: ’50px’


Full example:

[tooltip title="I'm at the top" placement="top"
trigger="click" delay="100"]Tooltip on top[/tooltip]


  • placement: Where to place the tooltip.
    Can be top | right | bottom | left.
    Default: ‘top’
  • trigger: When to show the tooltip.
    Can be: click | hover | focus | manual
    Default: ‘hover’
  • delay: The time to wait after the trigger (in ms)
    Can be: any natural number
    Default: 0
  • title: The title to show
    Can be: any string
    Default: ”


Full example:

[popover title="I'm at the top" placement="top"
trigger="click" delay="100" content="Test content"]
Popover on click


  • content: The content to show if the mouse hovers the item.
    Can be: any string
    Default: ”
  • placement: Where to place the tooltip.
    Can be top | right | bottom | left.
    Default: ‘top’
  • trigger: When to show the tooltip.
    Can be: click | hover | focus | manual
    Default: ‘hover’
  • delay: The time to wait after the trigger (in ms)
    Can be: any natural number
    Default: 0
  • title: The title to show
    Can be: any string
    Default: ”


Full example:

[event name="Event Name" street="Mathilde-Jacob-Platz 1"
zip="10551" locality="Berlin" country="Germany" start_date="15.11.2013 16:44"
end_date="16.11.2013 23:59"
This is a description of the event


  • name: The event name
    Can be: Any string
    Default: ‘Even’ (in your translated language)
  • street: The street and the house number of the location
    Can be: Any string
    Default: ”
  • zip: The ZIP-Code of the location
    Can be: Any string
    Default: ”
  • locality: The locality of the location
    Can be: Any string
    Default: ”
  • country: The country of the location
    Can be: Any string
    Default: ”
  • url: The URL where we can find more info
    Can be: Any string
    Default: Current page permalink
  • start_date: The Start-Date of the event
    Format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS
    Default: Current time
  • end_date: The End-Date of the event
    Format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS
    Default: ”
  • image: An URL to an image of the event.
    Can be: Any image url
    Default: current post thumbnail if any
  • latitude: The latitude of the location
    Can be: Any floating number
    Default: ‘41.850033’
  • longitude: The longitude of the location
    Can be: Any floating number
    Default: ‘-87.6500’


Full example:

[map longitude="12.95591" latitude="48.82948" title="This is where we are!" image="beachflag.png"]
<h3>Maps inline headline</h3>
Of course you can add some content here


  • zoom: The zoom factor (lower is nearer)
    Can be: 0 to 99
    Default: 8
  • language: The language-code to load for map names
    Can be: Please see the list of available Google Maps api languages
    Default: the blogs language code
  • latitude: The latitude of the location
    Can be: a latitude number
    Default: ‘41.850033’
  • longitude: The longitude of the location
    Can be: a longitude number
    Default: ‘-87.6500’
  • title: The title for the marker (appears on mouse over)
    Can be: Any string
    Default: ”
  • image: The image to use for the marker
    Can be: Any icon URL
    Default: ‘https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/images/beachflag.png’
  • width: The width of the map
    Can be: a pixel value (like ‘400px’) or a percentage (like ‘100%’)
    Default: ‘auto’
  • height The height of the map
    Can be: a pixel value (like ‘400px’) or a percentage (like ‘100%’)
    Default: ‘400px’


Full example:

[icon size="large" type="success" icon="ok"]


  • size: The size of the icon
    Can be: mini | small | large | xl | xxl
    Default: ”
  • type: The actual color of the icon
    Can be: success | warning | error | info
    Default: ”
  • icon: The icon to show
    Can be: Please refer to the available icons included in the themes.
    Default: ‘ok’


Full example:

[modal title="Opened with a button" id="modal1" link="#" button_text="OK"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
[button href="#modal1" modal="modal1"]Open the modal with this button[/button]


  • title: The title to use for the h3 element
    Can be: Any string
    Default: ”
  • link: The link to use in the modal window button
    Can be: Any URL
    Default: ‘#’
  • button_text: The text of the button in the modal window
    Can be: Any string
    Default: An icon
  • id: The id of the modal if you want to open it with a button.
    Can be: Any string
    Default: ”


Full example:

  [tab title="Item 1"]Lorem ipsum dolor 1[/tab]
  [tab title="Item 2"]Lorem ipsum dolor 2[/tab]
  [tab title="Item 3"]Lorem ipsum dolor 3[/tab]

Attributes: No attributes so far.


Full example: Please see the tabs-shortcode.


  • title: The title of the tab
    Can be: Any string
    Default: ”


Full example:

[label type="warning"]Lorem ipsum dolor[/label]


  • type: The actual color of the label
    Can be success | warning |important | info | inverse
    Default: ”


Full example:

[badge type="info"]Lorem ipsum dolor[/badge]


  • type: The actual color of the badge
    Can be success | warning |important | info | inverse
    Default: ”


Full example:

[lead]Lorem ipsum dolor[/lead]

Attributes: No attributes so far


Full example:

[text color="info"]Lorem ipsum dolor[/text]


  • color: The actual color of the text
    Can be success | warning |important | info | inverse | muted
    Default: ”


Add Speakerdeck Slides to your content without adding any JavaScripts manually.

Full example:

[speakerdeck slide="4" id="a1b35920621f0130e78712313d320292" ratio="1.333333333"]


  • id: The id of the slide
    Can be success | warning |important | info | inverse | muted
    Default: ”
  • slide: The slide to start width
    Default: 1
  • ratio: The ratio of the slide
    Default: 1.3333333333


Add a YouTube Video to your content.

Full example:

[youtube width="500" height="300" url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z0Tb1J9JUc?"]


  • width: The actual width of the video
    Can be: any integer
    Default: 480
  • height: The actual height of the video
    Can be: any integer
    Default: 360
  • url: The URL to the YouTube-Video
    Default: ”

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