Schema Corporate WordPress Theme Inline Help

This is the inline help for the Schema Corporate WordPress theme with support. Please use the inline-help buttons to browse through this document.

Layout-Settings (General)

Full width layout

Whether to display the homepage in a full width fluid layout. “Fluid” means that the theme adjusts itself whenever the browser windows resizes. Here is an example:


Choose a logo to use on your webpage. If no picture is chosen, the title and subtitle will show up.

Logo Width (in Pixels)

The width of the normal (non-retina) logo image. This field normally gets filled automatically when you insert a logo image.

Logo Height (in Pixels)

The height of the normal (non-retina) logo image. This field normally gets filled automatically when you insert a logo image.

Logo for Retina displays

Choose a logo to use for retina displays. The picture should have twice the resolution of the standard-logo. The image will be included with twice the resolution of the logo width and logo height.


Choose the favicon to show up in the browser. Note: Not every browser shows favicons.

Standard Header Image

Choose a standard-header image to use on your webpage. This can be changed within every single post, page or custom post type. Here is an example how it looks like:

Header image example

Header-Image position

The position of the header image. Read more about this here: CSS background-position Property.

Phone number

Enter a phone number. Leave this field blank if nothing should be displayed. The phone number is displayed in the headerbar. You should activate the headerbar to show it.

Phone availability

Enter a time in which you are reachable by phone. The phone availability is displayed in the headerbar. You should activate the headerbar to show it.

Display Title

Whether to display the blogs title. Even when a logo was selected.

Display Subtitle

Whether to display the blogs subtitle

Display Headerbar

Whether to display the headerbar. You can find the headerbar on top of your webpage. The headerbar displays:

  • the social icons (if activated)
  • the phone number (if any)
  • the phone availability (if any)
Example of the headerbar

Whether to display the search field in the header.

Affix the menu to the top

Affix the menu to the top when the user scrolls the page. This means that the menu will fix itself to the top position when scrolling position is on a certain place.

Example: The menu was fixed to the top after scrolling down

Places the menu after the header. Here is how it looks like:

“Go to top button”

Display the “Go to top” button if the user scrolls down. This button appears on a specific scrolling-position.


Layout-Settings (Single Post)

Display Author

Whether to display the author’s name on single post sites.

Display Author Name
Display Author Name

Display Date

Whether to display the date on single post sites.

Display time and date
Display time and date

Display Categories

Whether to display the categories of a post on single post sites.

Display categories
Display categories

Display Tags

Whether to display the tags of a post on single post sites.

Displays tags
Displays tags

Display number of comments

Whether to display the number of comments of a post on single post sites.

Display the number of comments
Display the number of comments

Display Rating

Whether to display the Star Rating on single post sites.

Display star rating
Display star rating

Display Google+ Author Information

Whether to display the Google+ link (if activated) on single post sites. Authorship functionality should be turned on (under “SEO” / “Google+ Authorship”).

Display Google+ Profile Link
Display Google+ Profile Link

Display comments

Whether to display the comments section after the content of a post on single post sites.

Display comment section and form
Display comment section and form

Display Thumbnails

Whether to display thumbnails on single post sites. The thumbnails only show up if a post has a thumbnail. If not, a placeholder-image will be shown.

Display Right Sidebar

Whether to display the right sidebar on singe posts. This can be turned on/off on each page separately.

Display Left Sidebar

Whether to display the left sidebar on single posts. This can be turned on/off on each page separately.

Layout-Settings (Single Page)

Display Author

Whether to display the author’s name on single page sites.

Display Author Name
Display Author Name

Display Date

Whether to display the date on single page sites.

Display time and date
Display time and date

Display Categories

Whether to display the categories of a page.

Display categories
Display categories

Display number of comments

Whether to display the number of comments.

Display the number of comments
Display the number of comments

Display Rating

Whether to display the Star Rating on a single page.

Display star rating
Display star rating

Display Google+ Author Information

Whether to display the Google+ link (if activated) on a single page. Authorship functionality should be turned on (under “SEO” / “Google+ Authorship”).

Display Google+ Profile Link
Display Google+ Profile Link

Display comments

Whether to display the comments section.

Display comment section and form
Display comment section and form

Display Thumbnails

Whether to display thumbnails on a single page. The thumbnails only show up if a post has a thumbnail. If not, a placeholder-image will be shown.

Display Right Sidebar

Whether to display the right sidebar on singe pages. This can be turned on/off on each page separately.

Display Left Sidebar

Whether to display the left sidebar on single pages. This can be turned on/off on each page separately.

Layout-Settings (Search/Category/Tag/Archive Pages)

Display Author

Whether to display the author’s name on search / category / tag and archive pages.

Display Author Name
Display Author Name

Display Date

Whether to display the date on search / category / tag and archive pages.

Display time and date
Display time and date

Display Categories

Whether to display the categories on search / category / tag and archive pages.

Display categories
Display categories

Display Tags

Whether to display the tags on search / category / tag and archive pages.

Displays tags
Displays tags

Display number of comments

Whether to display the number of comments on search / category / tag and archive pages.

Display the number of comments
Display the number of comments

Display Rating

Whether to display the Star Rating on search / category / tag and archive pages.

Display star rating
Display star rating

Display Thumbnails

Whether to display thumbnails on search / category / tag and archive pages. The thumbnails only show up if a post has a thumbnail. If not, a placeholder-image will be shown.

Display Content

Whether to display the content on search / category / tag and archive pages.

Display Right Sidebar

Whether to display the right sidebar on search / category / tag and archive pages.

Display Left Sidebar

Whether to display the left sidebar on search / category / tag and archive pages.

Homepage / Blog Page (General)

Home- or Blogpage Layout

As per default WordPress shows the homepage as the frontpage. This will call the themes frontpage.php which means that you see a customized site.

But on the “Settings” -> “Reading” options page you can also define a single page as the homepage. This will call the frontpage.php on the site you’ve defined as the “posts page”.

Here you can choose between several layout styles (with or without sidebars):

  • Standard
    • A full width page. Slider on top (if activated)
  • Left Sidebar
    • Left sidebar. Slider right.
  • Left Sidebar with Slider
    • Left sidebar. Sidebar on top (if activated).
  • Right sidebar
    • Right sidebar. Slider left.

Please take a look at our live preview to see examples.

Display “About us”

Whether to display the “About us” section on the homepage. Please note that this is a widget-area. This means that you have to add widgets to the “About us” section. To do this, please go to “Appearance” -> “Widgets” and than drag & drop some widgets to the “About us” sidebar.

[box type=”info”]Note: It looks best when you just add two widgets. Maybe a text-widget and a Twitter-Widget (or a Newsletter-Widget)[/box]

Display the About-Us section

Homepage / Blog Page (Slider)

Whether the featured slider should be displayed.

Whether to use one of your revolution sliders instead of the normal one.

Choose one of your revolution sliders. If you don’t have any revolutions sliders, then just add one. If there is no “Revolution Slider” menu then go to “Extended” -> “Plugins” and activate the Revolution Slider plugin.

Whether the featured slider title should be displayed. This only applies to non-revolutions sliders.

Select what post type to display on the featured slider. If you have selected “Let me choose” on the “What to use exactly” option, than this option will be ignored.

[box type=”info”]Good to know: To force sorting on menu-order, please do the following:

  • Select “Pages” on the “Post type to display”-Option
  • Select “Let me choose” on the “What to use exactly”-Option
  • Select the pages you want to use on the “Select pots” option.


What to use for the featured slider. This depends on what you’ve selected on the “post type to display” setting. Chose one of the following:

  • Latest
    • Displays the latest posts, pages or custom post type. This depends on what you’ve selected on the “post type to display” option.
  • Category
    • Select this option and another option will appear. There you can select the categories you want to use. This depends on what you’ve selected on the “post type to display” option.
  • Tag
    • Select this option and another option will appear. There you can select the tags you want to use. This depends on what you’ve selected on the “post type to display” option.
  • Let me choose
    • Select this option and another option will appear. There you can select single posts, pages or custom post types you want to use. This depends on what you’ve selected on the “post type to display” option.
  • Nothing

[box type=”info”]Good to know: Select “nothing” to hide this area.[/box]

Please choose one or more categories.

Please choose one or more tags. Start typing to choose.

Choose one or more posts. Start typing to select.

Choose an effect for sliding. Standard is slide.

Choose the speed between slides. The value is specified in milliseconds.

Milliseconds between slide transitions.

Choose the maximum number of slides to show.

[box type=”info”]Please note: If a post, a page or any other custom post type does not have a thumbnail it will not show up in the slider.[/box]

Whether the featured slider should be animate automatically to the next slide.

Home- or Blogpage (Quote)

Display Quote

Whether to display the quote on the homepage or blogpage.

Quote Text

The actual quote text.

Where to show the quote

Where to show the quote.

  • Before slider
  • After slider
  • After the “About us” section
    • If the “About us” section (widget area) does not have any widgets, the quote will be displayed after the slider.

Home- or Blogpage (Highlighted Posts/Pages)


You can align the individual contents horizontally or vertically.

This is horizontally:

Horizontally highlighted posts
Horizontally highlighted posts

This is vertically:

vertical highlighted posts
vertical highlighted posts

Post type to display

What post type to display on the highlighted posts section.

[box type=”info”]Good to know: To force sorting on menu-order, please do the following:

  • Select “Pages” on the “Post type to display”-Option
  • Select “Let me choose” on the “What to use exactly”-Option
  • Select the pages you want to use on the “Select pots” option.


What to use exactly

What to use for the highlighted posts section

[box type=”info”]Good to know: Select “nothing” to hide this area.[/box]


Please choose one or more categories


Please choose one or more tags. Start typing to choose.

Select posts

Choose one or more posts. Start typing to select.

Number of posts / pages to show

Choose a number of posts, pages or other media to show on the home or blogpage. If you are using the sticky post feature this number will increase with the number of sticky posts you are currently using. Read more about the sticky post feature here.

Display Thumbnails

Whether you want to display thumbnails on the home- or blogpage

Display Content

Whether you want to display the content (If you want to display only thumbnails, you can disable the content).

Display Author

Whether to display the author’s name.

Display Author Name
Display Author Name

Display Date

Whether to display the date.

Display time and date
Display time and date

Display Categories

Whether to display the categories.

Display categories
Display categories

Display Tags

Whether to display the tags.

Displays tags
Displays tags

Display number of comments

Whether to display the number of comments.

Display the number of comments
Display the number of comments

Display Google+ Author Information

Whether to display the Google+ link (if activated). Authorship functionality should be turned on (under “SEO” / “Google+ Authorship”).

Display Google+ Profile Link
Display Google+ Profile Link

Display Rating

Whether to display the Star Rating

Display star rating
Display star rating

Home- or Blogpage (Latest posts/pages)


You can align the individual contents horizontally or vertically.

This is horizontal:

Horizontal latest posts
Horizontal latest posts

This is vertical:

Vertical latest posts
Vertical latest posts

Post type to display

What post type to display on the homepage posts section.

[box type=”info”]Good to know: To force sorting on menu-order, please do the following:

  • Select “Pages” on the “Post type to display”-Option
  • Select “Let me choose” on the “What to use exactly”-Option
  • Select the pages you want to use on the “Select pots” option.


What to use exactly

What to use for the homepage posts section

[box type=”info”]Good to know: Select “nothing” to hide this area.[/box]


Please choose one or more categories


Please choose one or more tags. Start typing to choose.

Select posts

Choose one or more posts. Start typing to select.

Number of posts / pages to show

Choose a number of posts, pages or other media to show on the home or blogpage. If you are using the sticky post feature this number will increase with the number of sticky posts you are currently using. Read more about the sticky post feature here.

Display Thumbnails

Whether you want to display thumbnails on the home- or blogpage.

Display Content

Whether you want to display the content (If you want to display only thumbnails, you can disable the text).

Display Author

Whether to display the author’s name.

Display Author Name
Display Author Name

Display Date

Whether to display the date.

Display time and date
Display time and date

Display Categories

Whether to display the categories.

Display categories
Display categories

Display Tags

Whether to display the tags.

Displays tags
Displays tags

Display number of comments

Whether to display the number of comments.

Display the number of comments
Display the number of comments

Display Google+ Author Information

Whether to display the Google+ link (if activated). Authorship functionality should be turned on (under “SEO” / “Google+ Authorship”).

Display Google+ Profile Link
Display Google+ Profile Link

Display Rating

Whether to display the Star Rating

Display star rating
Display star rating

Colorization (Colors)

Background color and image

Please use WordPress’s built-in features to changes background colors and images. Click on the link provided to do this. Please save your changes first!

Background patterns

Choose a pattern for the background. (Thanks to

Use my own colors

Activate this if you want to use your own color-styles.

Text color

Choose a text color.

The color for the links

The color for links on mouse-over.

Sidebar background color

The background color for the sidebars.

Show layout box shadows

Enable or disable box shadows of the layout.

Header background color

The background color of the header.

Content background color

The background color of the content areas.

Border colors

The standard color for borders.

Frontpage row background color

The background color of some rows on the frontpage.

Title color

The color for the headline of your website.

Subtitle color

The color for the sub-headline of your website.

Headline color

The color for all titles in the content area of your website.

The color for the menu items.

Choose a pattern for the background. (Thanks to

The footer background color.

Footer 2 background pattern

Choose a pattern for the background. (Thanks to

Footer 2 background color

The footer background color.

LESS Variable Changer

Here you can change every single LESS variable. Click here for a list of variables: LESS variables


Add your custom CSS or LESS. It will be added directly before </head> so that you can overwrite existing styles.

Colorization (Fonts)

Use other fonts

Activate this if you want to use other fonts. Please note that it is advisable to not use a lot of different font styles because this significantly effects the page load time.

Title font

Choose the font for the title. Start typing to choose one of Googles Webfonts. Note: If you need a bold font, please add this via the “Font variants” option.

Subtitle font

Choose the font for the subtitle. Start typing to choose one of Googles Webfonts. Note: If you need a bold font, please add this via the “Font variants” option.

Headline fonts

Choose the font for the headlines inside the content area. Start typing to choose one of Googles Webfonts. Note: If you need a bold font, please add this via the “Font variants” option.

Text font (sans)

Choose the font for the sans text. Start typing to choose one of Googles Webfonts. Note: If you need a bold font, please add this via the “Font variants” option.

Text font (serif)

Choose the font for the serif text. Start typing to choose one of Googles Webfonts. Note: If you need a bold font, please add this via the “Font variants” option.

Text font (mono)

Choose the font for the mono text. Start typing to choose one of Googles Webfonts. Note: If you need a bold font, please add this via the “Font variants” option.

Font variants

Please choose other font variants if you need them. For example: If you’ve chosen the “Alef”-font (which is a Google webfont) as the title font and you want the title to be bold, you should also add the Variant “Alef Bold 700”. Otherwise your bolded texts can’t be displayed bold.

Social Media (Facebook)

On top of articles

If you want to show the Facebook-Like button on top of posts.

On bottom of articles

If you want to show the Facebook-Like button after the post content.

On top of pages

If you want to show the Facebook-Like button on top of pages.

On bottom of pages

If you want to show the Facebook-Like button after the page content.

On homepage (top)

If you want to show the Facebook-Like button to appear on the frontpage (top position).

On homepage (bottom)

If you want to show the Facebook-Like button to appear on the frontpage (bottom position).

Social Media (Twitter)

On top of articles

If you want to show the Twitter-Tweet button on top of posts.

On bottom of articles

If you want to show the Twitter-Tweet button after the post content.

On top of pages

If you want to show the Twitter-Tweet button on top of pages.

On bottom of pages

If you want to show the Twitter-Tweet button after the page content.

On homepage (top)

If you want to show the Twitter-Tweet button to appear on the frontpage (top position).

On homepage (bottom)

If you want to show the Twitter-Tweet button to appear on the frontpage (bottom position).

Via @

The Twitter @via-value to be used when tweeting.

Hashtag #

The Twitter hashtag to be used when tweeting.

Social Media (Google +1)

On top of articles

If you want to show the +1 button on top of posts.

On bottom of articles

If you want to show the +1 button after the post content.

On top of pages

If you want to show the +1 button on top of pages.

On bottom of pages

If you want to show the +1 button after the page content.

On homepage (top)

If you want to show the +1 button to appear on the frontpage (top position).

On homepage (bottom)

If you want to show the +1 button to appear on the frontpage (bottom position).

Social Media (Pinterest)

On top of articles

If you want to show the Pin-It button on top of posts.

On bottom of articles

If you want to show the Pin-It button after the post content.

On top of pages

If you want to show the Pin-It button on top of pages.

On bottom of pages

If you want to show the Pin-It button after the page content.

On homepage (top)

If you want to show the Pin-it button to appear on the frontpage (top position).

On homepage (bottom)

If you want to show the Pin-it button to appear on the frontpage (bottom position).

Social Media (Social Media Buttons)

Display Social Media icons in the header bar

If the social media icons should be displayed in the headerbar.

Please not that the headerbar must be on to show the social media icons. Go to “Layout Settings” -> “Display headerbar” to turn it on.

Please note that the icons will not show up when no URLs are entered.

The social media icons in the headerbar
The social media icons in the headerbar

If the social media icons should be displayed in the footer.
Please note that the icons will not show up when no URLs are entered.

The social media icons in the footer area
The social media icons in the footer area

Display RSS Icon

Whether to show the RSS-Icon beside the other social media icons.


The link to your profile on this platform.


The link to your profile on this platform.


The link to your profile on this platform.

Linked In

The link to your profile on this platform.


The link to your profile on this platform.


The link to your profile on this platform.

SEO (Analytics)

Analytics Code

Add your Google Analytics code here. This should be Javascript without the <script></script> tags.



Whether the functionality should be enabled. Read this, if you want to know how can help you spice up your search results.

Primary purpose of your website

Choose the primary purpose of the website. If you use wordpress not only for blogging but also like a content management system for your website keep this at “WebPage”.

SEO (Google+ Authorship)

Activate/Deactivate Google+ Authorship

Google gives you the opportunity to display your Google+ profile image in the search results. If you want to use this functionality please activate it. You can then read more about it in the “About Google+ Authorship” section below.

Google+ image in search results
Google+ image in search results

Read the following post to set up authorship correctly: How to set up Google+ authorship

Authors to use for category, archive, search and tag pages

Please choose one or more users. Read the following post to set up authorship correctly: How to set up Google+ authorship

Whether the WordPress’ standard link to author archives should be replaced with the author’s Google+ URL. Read the following post to set up authorship correctly: How to set up Google+ authorship

Whether the link should be opened in a new window (only applies when the link shows up on your post, page or custom post type). Read the following post to set up authorship correctly: How to set up Google+ authorship

SEO (Google+ Publishership)

Follow this instructions to set this up correctly: How to set up Google+ Publishership.

Your Google Page URL

Whether to activate Google Publishership.

Your Google Page URL

The URL to to your Google+ page. Follow this instructions to set this up correctly: How to set up Google+ Publishership.

The name to show on the link. Follow this instructions to set this up correctly: How to set up Google+ Publishership.

SEO (Star Rating)

Display rating

Choose whether to show the star rating. It’s then possible that commentators rate your content.

Display rating results before the content

Whether to show the star rating results before the content (near the meta infos)

Display rating results after the content

Whether to show the star rating results after the content

SEO (Breadcrumbs)

Use Breadcrumb

Whether to display the breadcrumb navigation.

Text before Breadcrumbs

The “You are here” text (displayed before the actual breadcrumbs)

The name of “Home”

The name which will be displayed as the home link. Leave empty when it shouldn’t be displayed.

Display Home-Icon

Whether to display the home icon.

Text between Breadcrumbs

Normally this is the ยป between the links.

Break long titles

Specify the maximum length of the title. Leave it blank if the title should not to be cut.

Extended (Lightbox)

Activate/Deactivate PrettyPhoto

Lightbox is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on a page.


Choose a theme for PrettyPhoto

Animation Speed

Choose the animation speed (in ms) when an image will be opened

Extended (Scripts)

Custom Javascript

Add custom Javascript. You don’t need the <script></script> tags here. Custom Javascript will be added in the footer.

Extended (ReCaptcha)

Recaptcha Public Key

In order to use the captcha field on contact pages you need some secret keys which you can get here for free:

reCaptcha Example

Recaptcha Secret Key

In order to use the captcha field on contact pages you need some secret keys which you can get here for free:

reCaptcha Example

Extended (Search)

Use Google Sitesearch

Turn this on to replace WordPress` built in search engine with your own Google Sitesearch. Please note that you need a Google Account for this.

Search Engine ID

Please copy and paste your search engine ID into this field. You can find it in the Google Sitesearch settings.


If ads are enabled, the value is the id of an AdSense for Search channel.


If ads are enabled, the value is the AdSense publisher ID.

Extended (Affiliate)

Display “Proudly powered by”-Link

Turn this button off if you do not want to display the “Proudly powered by” link at the bottom of your webpage.

You can replace the link back to our theme with your own affiliate link to earn money. Please follow this link if you want to learn more about our affiliate programs: WP-Buddy Affiliate Program

Extended (Updates)

Purchase Code

If you want to get updates automatically, please copy and past your purchase code here. Don’t know where to find your purchase code?

Extended (Plugins)

Revolution Slider

Activate or deactivate this plugin. For performance reasons you should deactivate the plugins you do not use.

Shortcode Generator

Activate or deactivate this plugin. For performance reasons you should deactivate the plugins you do not use.

Sidebar Generator

Activate or deactivate this plugin. For performance reasons you should deactivate the plugins you do not use.
